zondag 12 oktober 2014

Mikoyan Mig21PFM Fishbed

This is the fourth build I've done since the restart. I wanted to build a MiG 21, because it was for many years the counterpart for the Western Air Forces and seeing some in Musea after the end of the Cold War. Comparing with the other 3 builds the most temptating one. This is the profipack edition with some photo etched parts. For me the first time working with photo etched parts. It took some time to find a appropiate glue for these parts. Searching on the web for a solution, Gator was recommended, but this is not a common glue in the Netherlands, so I used superglue. Personally I would appreciate if a manufacturer would take the effort of adding some special for the photo etched parts into the kit.
For the colors of the cocpitt I used.............................................., the small parts and the radar Humbroll, for the fuselage Vallejo.
During the build I had some issues, the front section didn't line up 100% with wings, and following the construction sheets the seat sould bebuild and placed into the cockpit in one of the last stages. In my case there wasn't enough room to fit the seat. I had to grind the seat to make it fit. While testing the fit, some parts of the cockpit broke and had to be glued in after the seat finally fitted in. Reviewing the build I didn't start with the seat just to get a dry fit in the early stages of the building. For me lessons learned.

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