zondag 31 januari 2016

Under construction: McDonnell Douglas F-15B "Eagle" Israeli Air Force

Update from 31 january 2016:

I have made little progress with the "Baz". The F-16C needed some attention as well.
The rear fuselage section was completed. and test fitting the speed brake.

In closed position there is a gap vissible.

 Below in open position and the hinge side is looking much better.
 I'll probably choose for the speed brake in open position.

As mentioned earlier I decided to get the avionics bays open, as a starter I drilled out the openings for the hatches.

And created some handles, while looking at the pictures I realize they are should be on the bottom and look a little to big. Some extra work.

In the avionics bay I wanted the do some wires. A horrible task, I wanted to do some more but I ran out of good drills. The best thing is to drill the holes through and glue the wire from the back side.

 After 2 days trying to get the wires in I left it as in the picture (and some wiring on the other side as well). May be it is easier with an electric drill device, as you have one hand free (I only have a pin fise).

The Python 3 are masked (no photo) and the painted Sparrows, with the biggest decal sheet, with decals for the missiles.

 Thank you for your time.
Jan Remco

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